Graduate Programs


Finding the Right Program to Fit Your Call

Selecting the right academic degree program is not always easy. Your first step is prayer, then seek God’s will for the seminary that will supply you with the best theological education and skills you need to meet your ministry goals.

GBS Theological Seminary mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word, the building up of the body of Christ, and to advance the cause of Christ by presenting the gospel of God’s amazing grace. We affirm the authority of the Bible, Classical free grace dispensational theology, and believe in the integration of faith, learning, and ministry.

A degree from Grace Seminary offers a rich educational experience that will profoundly shape the way you approach the Word of God, Christian living, serving others and ministry.


Theological Understanding

  • To perform Biblical exegesis and exposition.
  • To verbalize a general knowledge of the Bible, including a synthetic understanding of the major books. 
  • To articulate and Scripturally defend Free Grace Theology

Spiritual Goals

  • To grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ministry Goals

  • To communicate the Bible effectively and apply Scripture to the issues of life practically, soundly, and with compassion.
  • To demonstrate skills in various ministries.
  • To lead a local church or other group by means of biblical exposition, leadership skills, evangelism, and service.
  • To continue to be a student of Scripture through consistent study.
  • To uphold godly living through personal practice, and by encouraging others to do the same.

Critical Thinking

  • Evaluate issues critically and theologically.
  • Distinguish biblically consistent doctrine and practice from those that deviate.

Cultural Sensitivity

  • Engage in the Christian ministry and fellowship with appreciation for the variety of individuals through which God works.


Graduate Courses

M.Min. – M.B.S. – M.T.S. – M.Div.


Postgraduate Courses

Master of Theology (Th.M.)

-Coming Soon!-


DM-915 Theology of Spiritual Life
Explores the historical development, the biblical teachings, and contemporary practice of spiritual Life. Attention will be given to spiritual disciplines such as walking in the spirit, confession, prayer, fasting, and Scripture meditation, with a view toward the development of the student’s own spiritual life and ability to help others grow spiritually. Includes a brief look at the Roman Catholic style as well as the more recent Protestant style. It will investigate both style and substance and evaluate it against evangelical theology.


DM-916 Pastoral Ministry Model from the Book of Hebrews
This course will include both exegetical exposition and theological reflection to arrive at a ministry paradigm to meet the demands of the pastor and the needs of God’s people. The book of Hebrews will provide the baseline for an exploration into a modern pastoral model for ministry. Special attention will be given to the hermeneutical issue regarding the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament and the theology from the Old Testament and how it is implied and applied through the New Testament.


DM-918 Conflict Management
Offers the “manager of conflict” biblical wisdom for the intervention and prevention of many causes and forms of conflict in order to lead people and churches into harmony, fruit bearing, truth telling, and grace-driven relationships. You will learn the various sources, levels, and causes of conflict along with the cycle of conflict, early warning signs, and principles for stopping, defusing, and reducing the conflict in and around you. Conflict management strategies will be systematically explained, illustrated, and applied in the context of 21st-century ministry to enhance the integrity, discernment, wisdom, and leadership of today’s conflict manager.


DM-920 Increasing Relevancy in Your Preaching
Increases a speaker’s ability to develop messages that are true to the biblical text, clear and well-organized, interesting, and relevant to the listener’s needs. Attention will be given to relevancy and clarity. Students will learn how to determine the specific applications of a biblical passage and how to help listeners follow the unfolding of the message. Though students will not preach in class, these practical skills will be developed through instruction, examples, group interaction and personal use.


DM-925 Exegetical Review: Sharpening Your Exegetical Skills for Expositional Excellence
This course is at the same time a refresher and a revitalizer of learned but neglected skills, an updating of exegetically-oriented disciplines, and an initial introduction into key exegetical processes, all focused on the critical task of proclaiming God’s Word in a post-modern culture.


DM-935 Christian Apologetics in a Non-Christian World
Christianity is increasingly being challenged and countered by new religions and cults, but most insidiously by the secularization of our culture. In this doctoral seminar we examine the culture of the world, exposit the word of God and seek to form a strategy for engagement. This course includes both the theory of apologetical systems and specific issues that can only be addressed through proper apologetic strategy.


DM-938 Counseling Dysfunctional Families
This course examines dysfunctional families (e.g., alcoholic, battering, incestuous), with a focus on the issues facing those who grew up in them. It also provides basic counseling strategies and practical tools to help these “survivors” overcome their painful pasts.


DM 991 Ministry Project 1

The Ministry Project phase of the DMin program begins when coursework is completed. It is designed to synthesize ministry knowledge in a doctoral level practical ministry project.


DM 992 Ministry Project 2

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